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Quick Tip: Wipe down hazardous trays with deactivating wipes, not IPA

Dedicated trays should be used when counting drugs identified as hazardous, and are a key part of a pharmacy's hazardous drug handling plan.

It's unfortunately all-too-common for pharmacies to clean the tray with 70% isopropyl alcohol (IPA) or hydrogen peroxide. But these chemicals don't actually deactivate the drug, meaning chemically destroy it.

For that, you need a deactivating agent, which is most commonly bleach. However, bleach left on the tray can deactivate the tablets the next time the tray is used, so a second chemical is required to deactivate the bleach.

An example of this type of product is Pharma Surface Guard, but there are others. Check with your distributor to price compare and see what's available.

Check out this table explaining the difference between deactivation, disinfection, and decontamination.


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